How to Make White Clothes White Again

Tip of the day- Beck and Call Cleaning Services, London

When it comes to understanding how to make white clothes white again, the best way is to pre-soak them.

Laundry detergent – Adding ¼ cup of detergent powder, like Persil, to a sink full of warm water and soaking your white clothes for two hours before a normal wash works to whiten them.

Baking soda – Dissolving one cup of baking soda in four litres of warm water makes not only a great whitening solution but also an effective deodoriser. Soak your white clothes in the solution for around eight hours before popping them in your usual wash.

Lemon juice – Boil two sliced (not halved) lemons in a large stockpot of water and then remove it from the heat. Then add your white clothes to soak for an hour. The lemon juice works as a great whitener.

If your white clothes just need a little bit of brightening and you haven’t stocked up on detergent, you can try washing them with white vinegar.

Add vinegar to the fabric softener compartment

Add half a cup of distilled white vinegar to the fabric softener compartment of your washing machine.

Use your usual detergent and of course following any appropriate instructions on the care label. Have a look at our article if you’re not sure what the washing symbols mean.

Wash your whites in your washing machine.

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