How to Clean a Door Mat
Shake out the doormats when you sweep your porch or after your lawn is mowed. A good shaking will remove a lot of dust and dirt that otherwise might be tracked into your home. You can also help dislodge dirt ground into the mat by smacking the mat against an outside surface such as the sidewalk. After shaking, you can quickly vacuum the doormat to make sure all the dirt got out, whether it’s a small hand-held or traditional vacuum cleaner. Doing this process weekly will help keep dirt and stains out of your doormat.
Vacuum the doormats, if you haven’t already, to release deeply embedded dirt that shaking alone won’t always reveal. If your doormat smells strange, you can use baking soda to get rid of the odd odour. Put some baking soda on your doormat and let it sit for ten minutes before using a scrub brush to rub the baking soda in. You can let the mat sit for about five more minutes before vacuuming for a final time.
Be sure to follow your manufacturer’s instructions, but many outdoor doormats can be rinsed off with a garden hose. Some tougher spots may need a tiny bit of mild dish soap. This is ideally done seasonally to get your doormat in great shape for whatever weather the next season brings based on your particular location. When the streets are salted, sweeping or vacuuming the salt off your doormat on a frequent basis will make sure it doesn’t get into your home and ruin your floors.